If you are in the process of making or redefining your brand, it can be a big help to learn about how your choice of colors can make a big difference to the performance of your brand in the market. In fact, color is one of the most important factors that marketers and branders consider while redefining a brand image and representing the brand in various media. The color choice can help your brand in both positive and negative ways in terms of recognition and marketing performance.
Colors have been noted to have the power to influence the emotions of consumers and in turn either award you with more customers or repeal existing ones. Out of all the in-store purchase decisions, at least 73% are made with the influence of color or aesthetics. Colors also play a major role when it comes to website design since that’s where many of your customers will first get introduced to your brand. This first impression is what can cause consumers to decide whether they wish to associate with your brand or not.
The perception of these colors can also differ on the basis of the gender, age, personality, and income of the consumers. It gets intriguing to think about how brands choose the colors that will help bring them closer to their targeted audience. For a majority of the time, firms decide this with the help of a branding agency.
If you look at various brands and their colors, you will soon begin to see how they chose the color. For example, McDonald’s chose Red and Yellow since it makes people feel hungry. There are several studies that can help you choose which colors will help cater to your targeted audience. If you need help with this, going with branding like Antraajaal is bound to help you make the right decision for your branding colors.
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